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The Planning Process

What you see presented today is a well-developed ‘work in progress’. Once our survey work is complete and our design proposals have been honed using your feedback, we will be applying to the Local Planning Authority for ‘outline’ planning permission around the end of the year. Whilst the proposals are envisaged holistically, each promoter will be submitting its own application for outline planning permission which will accord with an agreed overarching Masterplan.

Pegasus Group is leading the planning process. Earlier this year we submitted a pre-application advice request to Herefordshire Council and have been in dialogue with officers about our emerging proposals. We have also met with Leominster Town Council to inform members of the proposals and provide a forum for them to voice any concerns. This communication is ongoing.

The purpose of this consultation is to provide an opportunity for members of the public living locally to see the proposals, to meet the consultant team and ask questions or make comments to us in advance of the submission which will help shape the proposals. There will be further opportunities to make comments directly to the Council via its online portal once the applications are submitted.


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Please fill in the form below to submit your comments. Thanks.

Your data and responses will be held by Pegasus Group (planning agents) and may be shared within the client and consultant team for the purposes of addressing comments/concerns. The location of responses (using your postcode) may be mapped for inclusion within a publicly available Statement of Community Involvement. The matters raised will also be discussed in that document but individual data and comments will not be quoted.

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