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The Technical Details


The site is predominantly located within Flood Zone 1, which is the area at lowest risk of flooding. Small areas of the site, including the land north of the river Arrow do however fall within Flood Zones 2 or 3 (which have an increased risk of fluvial flooding), or are within areas of identified high risk of surface water flooding. Built development is therefore not proposed in these areas.


A surface water drainage strategy will be implemented on site to mitigate any increases in surface water runoff arising from the development. A preliminary surface water drainage strategy has been developed, in which water will flow to attenuation basins before discharging into the river Arrow at the southern boundary through multiple outfalls. 

Air Quality 

The Council has declared an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) on Bargates at the junction with Cursneh Road and Ryelands Road due to high nitrogen dioxide levels arising from high traffic levels in the town centre. Air quality in this area has now greatly improved in recent years, however we are undertaking further detailed assessment work to ensure that vehicle movements associated with the new development will not exacerbate this.


The proposed spine road through the development will help re-distribute traffic and divert traffic away from the centre of Leominster and the Bargates AQMA. This is likely to result in beneficial air quality impacts within the centre of Leominster, where it is currently poorest. 


The site is located adjacent to two Grade II listed heritage assets, namely Dishley Court and Ryelands.


Our heritage assessment has considered the importance of these assets and their setting over time, and strongly recognises the need to provide some ‘breathing space’ around the properties to minimise visual impacts. We have also acknowledge the significance of the historic parkland which would have sat between the two assets, and how we can create a green link through this space to further enhance the wider setting. 


New Homes

Roughly 1,500 new homes will be provided as part of the development, of which around 25% will be affordable housing. These will be a range of sizes from one bed flats through to four and five bed homes to ensure availability for a wide range of needs, including young families and older people.


The homes will include a small number of dwellings which will meet Building Regulations. M4(2) or M4(3) standard, which means they are suitable for wheelchair accessibility or adaptability.


The aesthetic of the houses and their elevational detailing is yet to be decided. We would welcome your thoughts. Given the size of the development, there will be different character areas to create distinct zones or neighbourhoods. The design approach and suggested materials palette will be secured through a Design and Access Statement in due course.

Can I register to buy a new home?

Our proposals are still in the early stages. The developers will work with housebuilders and Registered Social Providers (RSP) to deliver the new homes – opportunities for house purchase/rental will be advertised with them in due course. The affordable housing will be allocated by the RSPs in conjunction with the Council’s Housing Services.

We want to hear from you!

For more information or to submit your comments please contact us.

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